18 CinEuphoria
12 Years a Slave (2015)
17 CinEuphoria
Boa Noite Cinderella (2015)
A Herdade (2020)
Variações (2020)
16 CinEuphoria
Al Berto (2018)
Florbela (2013)
15 CinEuphoria
São Jorge (2018)
14 CinEuphoria
Cloud Atlas (2013)
The Lighthouse (2020)
Pena Fria (2015)
Tabu (2013)
13 CinEuphoria
Assim Assim (2013)
Dolor y Gloria (2020)
Joker (2020)
The King (2020)
La La Land (2018)
Os Maias - Cenas da Vida Romântica (2015)
12 CinEuphoria
Alabote (2014)
Call Me by Your Name (2018)
O Coveiro (2014)
O Facínora (2014)
Mutant Blast (2020)
Patrick (2020)
Tomorrow Island (2020)
11 CinEuphoria
Blancanieves (2013)
Dentes e Garras! (2015)
Ensinamentos para a Vida Adulta (2013)
A Estrela Mais Brilhante (2014)
The Favourite (2020)
Moonlight (2018)
Mother! (2018)
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2020)
Posfácio nas Confessões Canhão (2013)
Poulet aux Prunes (2013)
O Sítio Onde as Raposas Dizem Boa Noite (2015)
Snu (2020)
Verão Danado (2018)
Vitalina Varela (2020)
10 CinEuphoria
20th Century Women (2018)
And Then We Danced (2020)
Boy (2015)
Branco (2014)
Cigano (2015)
Estrada de Palha (2013)
A Fábrica de Nada (2018)
Gisaengchung (2020)
La Grande Bellezza (2015)
Grbavica (2020)
A Hidden Life (2020)
Hotel Império (2020)
The Lion King (2020)
Les Misérables (2020)
Ruggine (2013)
9 CinEuphoria
120 Battements par Minute (2018)
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2015)
Bué Sabi (2015)
A Ciambra (2018)
Coelho Mau (2018)
Con Quién Sueña Berta? (2015)
The Death and Life of John F. Donovan (2020)
Le Divan de Staline (2018)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2013)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2020)
Linhas de Wellington (2013)
Nightsatan and the Loops of Doom (2015)
O Segredo Segundo António Botto (2014)
Shame (2013)
O Silêncio Entre Duas Canções (2015)
Stoker (2014)
Terrain Vague (2018)
A Viagem (2013)
Vida Tramada (2015)
8 CinEuphoria
100 Metros (2018)
Colo (2018)
Diamantino (2020)
Os Gatos Não têm Vertigens (2015)
Gli Equilibristi (2014)
Gravity (2014)
Her (2015)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2014)
Lo Imposible (2014)
José (2020)
Land of My Dreams (2013)
Limbo (2018)
Midsommar (2020)
O Nylon da Minha Aldeia (2014)
Ponto Morto (2015)
Porto (2018)
Remissão Completa (2015)
Romanzo di una Strage (2014)
Os Sonâmbulos (2015)
Tous les Rêves du Monde (2018)
Os Últimos Dias (2013)
7 CinEuphoria
Ad Astra (2020)
Los Amigos Raros (2015)
Aqui Jaz a Minha Casa (2013)
Até Amanhã, Camaradas (2014)
Bílis Negra (2015)
Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (2014)
La Cage Dorée (2014)
Dallas Buyers Club (2015)
Dédalo (2015)
Destroyer (2020)
Detachment (2013)
Enemy (2015)
Fátima (2018)
A Floresta das Almas Perdidas (2018)
Get Out (2018)
O Inferno (2013)
Já Passou (2018)
Joaquim (2018)
Marighella (2020)
Marriage Story (2020)
Nada Fazi (2013)
Operação Outono (2013)
Pela Boca Morre o Peixe (2015)
Polisse (2013)
Rabbit Hole (2014)
Snow White and the Huntsman (2013)
Tudo o que Imagino (2018)
Your Lost Memories (2015)
6 CinEuphoria
Alien: Covenant (2018)
Amour (2013)
As You Are (2018)
Boy Erased (2020)
Cavalo Dinheiro (2015)
The Dark Knight Rises (2013)
El Bar (2018)
Getúlio (2015)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2015)
Häuschen - A Herança (2020)
Hounds of Love (2018)
Insensibles (2014)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2014)
Mary Queen of Scots (2020)
A Morte é o Único Perdão (2015)
Noiva Precisa-se (2013)
O Reino (2013)
Silence (2018)
O Vazio Entre Nós (2015)
Via Castellana Bandiera (2015)
Viva la Libertà (2015)
5 CinEuphoria
Adaptacja (2018)
Anna Karenina (2013)
Behind the Candelabra (2014)
Boyhood (2015)
A Bruxa de Arroios (2013)
De Rouille et d'Os (2013)
Django Unchained (2014)
Downton Abbey (2020)
Dumbo (2020)
Excision (2013)
Fado (2018)
Flores (2018)
Golpe de Sol (2020)
Les Grandes Ondes (à l'Ouest) (2015)
Green Book (2020)
Herculano (2015)
Hugo (2013)
L'Inconnu du Lac (2014)
Lady Macbeth (2018)
Laurence Anyways (2013)
Lincoln (2014)
Maleficent (2015)
Les Misérables (2014)
Mommy (2015)
La Mort de Louis XIV (2018)
Only Solomon Lee (2014)
Le Plombier (2018)
Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (2020)
Post-Mortem (2018)
Rökkur (2018)
O Sol Nasce Sempre do Mesmo Lado (2014)
Terraferma (2013)
To the Wonder (2014)
Trilho (2014)
Uroki Garmonii (2014)
A Vida Invisível (2015)
4 CinEuphoria
30 Minutos con Laura (2018)
A.C.A.B.: All Cops are Bastards (2014)
Alogicamente (2014)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2013)
Beauty and the Beast (2018)
Bee Together (2020)
Blade Runner 2049 (2018)
The Boy and the Moon (2014)
Busanhaeng (2018)
Cadoul de Craciun (2020)
Caníbal (2015)
A Ceia (2014)
O Cheiro das Velas (2014)
Chuva é Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos (2020)
Como la Espuma (2018)
Como los Terremotos (2018)
El Despertar de Jaume (2014)
Downunder (2018)
E Agora? Lembra-me (2014)
Eva (2020)
The Eyes of My Mother (2018)
Fist of Jesus (2014)
Fontelonga (2014)
Frankie (2020)
Fugiu. Deitou-se. Caí. (2018)
Fury (2015)
Gone Girl (2015)
O Grande Circo Místico (2020)
Heatstroke (2020)
Hei-de Morrer Onde Nasci (2018)
Ida (2015)
Interstellar (2015)
Jagten (2014)
Linda, Uma História Horrível (2015)
Lo que Arde (2020)
Moonrise Kingdom (2013)
El Niño que Quería Volar (2020)
The Normal Heart (2015)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
Pára-me de Repente o Pensamento (2015)
Philomena (2015)
Poesia de Segunda Categoria (2014)
Por Siempre Jamón (2015)
Prometheus (2013)
The Promise (2018)
Que Dios nos Perdone (2018)
Rei Inútil (2014)
A Sombra Interior (2020)
Sputnik (2020)
Supine (2020)
Tarrafal: Dez Pancadas no Carril (2018)
A Terceira Metade (2018)
Tom à la Ferme (2015)
Tristeza e Alegria na Vida das Girafas (2020)
Última Chamada (2018)
Um Punk Chamado Ribas (2020)
Uma Rosa no Deserto (2014)
Videoclub (2014)
La Voce (2018)
3 CinEuphoria
#GOG 79 (2014)
3x3D (2015)
9 Meter (2015)
Além de Ti (2013)
Anjo (Negro) (2015)
António Um Dois Três (2018)
Ashmina (2020)
O Assalto (2015)
Bairro (2014)
Beach Rats (2018)
Bicho (2015)
The Boxtrolls (2015)
Cativeiro (2015)
Centro Histórico (2015)
O Cônsul de Bordéus (2013)
Cristales (2015)
A Dama do Estácio (2014)
De Helaasheid der Dingen (2014)
De Repente la Noche (2020)
Demência (2015)
Deus Dará (2014)
Deux Jours, Une Nuit (2015)
O Dia em que Explodiu Mabata Bata (2018)
Dumplin' (2020)
Dunkirk (2018)
E Amanhã (2013)
Ent(r)e (2014)
Equinox (2020)
Estamos Todos Aqui (2020)
Fogo & Prata (2014)
Gambozinos (2014)
Gionatan con la G (2018)
A Herdade dos Defuntos (2014)
O Homem Eterno (2018)
Hotel Mumbai (2020)
A Ilha dos Cães (2018)
It (2018)
King Kong (2015)
Lado Nenhum (2015)
Lápis Azul (2014)
Libélulas (2020)
Lituania (2018)
M (2014)
Mano a Mano (2015)
La Mano de Nefertiti (2014)
Manuscrit Trouvé dans l'Oubli (2018)
Missing Link (2020)
Morales (2015)
Mouse-X (2015)
Murder on the Orient Express (2018)
Nightcrawler (2015)
No Place Like Home (2018)
Non Toccate Questa Casa (2018)
Nortik (2018)
The Only Man (2015)
O Pacote (2015)
O Pacto (2013)
Paperman (2014)
Perfetti Sconosciuti (2018)
Postales (2018)
Potasio (2014)
Présumé Coupable (2013)
Pride (l.m.) (2015)
Pride (c.m.) (2015)
Quarta Divisão (2014)
Ray (2018)
Rosa Tingindo (2014)
As Rosas Brancas (2015)
Saving Mr. Banks (2015)
Las Séxicas (2014)
Sheila (2020)
Short Term 12 (2014)
Sleepwalk (2020)
Sócrates (2020)
Soshite Chichi ni Naru (2014)
There's Too Many of These Crows (2018)
Thérèse Desqueyroux (2014)
Us (2020)
As Vacas de Wisconsin (2018)
La Vie d'Adèle: Chapitres 1 et 2 (2014)
A Vingança de Uma Mulher (2013)
Os Vivos Também Choram (2013)
Voice Over (2014)
La Voix du Père (Rock'N Roll Will Never Die) (2018)
Volki i Ovtsy. Beeezumnoe Prevrashchenie (2018)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2013)
Wights in Paradise (2018)
Wonder Woman (2018)
Zar (2015)
2 CinEuphoria
4 M (2014)
5 Horas, 39 Minutos, 25 Segundos (2020)
7 Camas (2018)
33 Giri (2013)
37º4 S (2015)
300: Rise of an Empire (2015)
Abominable (2020)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2013)
Albert Nobbs (2013)
Alive (2015)
American Mary (2013)
Apollonide: Souvenirs de Maison Close (2013)
Aptitudes (2015)
Aquarius (2018)
Aquel No Era Yo (2014)
Argo (2013)
Arpeggio (2014)
August: Osage County (2015)
A Besta (2020)
The Birth of a Nation (2018)
Blue Jasmine (2014)
The Body (2014)
Campeón (2018)
Canção de Embalar (2020)
Il Capitale Umano (2015)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2015)
Captain Phillips (2014)
Carga (2018)
A Casa (2018)
Cerdita (2020)
Cheap Thrills (2014)
A Cidade e o Sol (2014)
O Comboio de Sal e Açúcar (2018)
Le Confessioni (2018)
Cool (2013)
Le Cri du Homard (2014)
The Croods (2014)
A Dança de Sísifo (2013)
Danke (2018)
Danse Macabre (2013)
Dave Made a Maze (2018)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2015)
De Mim... (2014)
De Noche y de Pronto (2015)
Despicable Me 2 (2014)
Después de Lucía (2013)
Edge of Tomorrow (2015)
En la Boca (2018)
The Fall (2014)
Fences (2018)
Ferdinand (2018)
First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers (2018)
Frank (2015)
Fuera de Servicio (2018)
La Fugue (2015)
Giants Being Lonely (2020)
Grupo 7 (2013)
Història de la Meva Mort (2015)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2015)
Hogar Dulce Hogar (2018)
Hostal Orión (2020)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2015)
Humilhados e Ofendidos (2013)
Imagens Proibidas (2020)
The Immigrant (2015)
In a Heartbeat (2018)
La Inútil (2020)
It Comes at Night (2018)
Jacinta (2018)
Jongens (2015)
Jeunesse (2018)
Kong: Skull Island (2018)
Life of Pi (2013)
A Língua (2018)
O Lobo Atrás da Porta (2015)
Logan (2018)
Longe do Éden (2014)
I Love Hooligans (2015)
Lovelace (2015)
Lucky (2018)
Mãe Querida (2018)
Le Maillot de Bain (2014)
Man of Steel (2014)
Manchester by the Sea (2018)
La Mano Invisible (2018)
Marvin's Island (2018)
Meat Wagon (2020)
La Mia Classe (2015)
Michael Kohlhaas (2015)
El Mimo y la Mariposa Negra (2014)
Na Escama do Dragão (2014)
Noah (2015)
North Atlantic (2013)
Nuestro Proprio Cielo (2013)
Nymphomaniac - Volume 1 (2015)
Outside the Oranges are Blooming (2020)
Oz the Great and Powerful (2014)
Ozzy (2018)
Le Passé (2014)
The Path (2013)
Pecado Fatal (2015)
Perdidos (2018)
Perto (2015)
Praia do Futuro (2015)
Primária (2014)
O Princípio do Fim (2014)
Purgatório (2013)
Quand on as 17 Ans (2018)
O Que Eu Entendo por Amor (2015)
Rafa (2013)
Rio Entre as Montanhas (2020)
Semente Exterminadora (2018)
Senza Ritorno (2014)
Sequence (2015)
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (2020)
Skin (2020)
The Square (2018)
Steadfast Stanley (2015)
Solitária (2014)
Som do Silêncio (2014)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2018)
Surpresa (2018)
Survivalismo (2013)
Te Busco en Todos (2020)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2020)
Testrol és Lélékrol (2018)
18 CinEuphoria
12 Years a Slave (2015)
17 CinEuphoria
Boa Noite Cinderella (2015)
A Herdade (2020)
Variações (2020)
16 CinEuphoria
Al Berto (2018)
Florbela (2013)
15 CinEuphoria
São Jorge (2018)
14 CinEuphoria
Cloud Atlas (2013)
The Lighthouse (2020)
Pena Fria (2015)
Tabu (2013)
13 CinEuphoria
Assim Assim (2013)
Dolor y Gloria (2020)
Joker (2020)
The King (2020)
La La Land (2018)
Os Maias - Cenas da Vida Romântica (2015)
12 CinEuphoria
Alabote (2014)
Call Me by Your Name (2018)
O Coveiro (2014)
O Facínora (2014)
Mutant Blast (2020)
Patrick (2020)
Tomorrow Island (2020)
11 CinEuphoria
Blancanieves (2013)
Dentes e Garras! (2015)
Ensinamentos para a Vida Adulta (2013)
A Estrela Mais Brilhante (2014)
The Favourite (2020)
Moonlight (2018)
Mother! (2018)
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2020)
Posfácio nas Confessões Canhão (2013)
Poulet aux Prunes (2013)
O Sítio Onde as Raposas Dizem Boa Noite (2015)
Snu (2020)
Verão Danado (2018)
Vitalina Varela (2020)
10 CinEuphoria
20th Century Women (2018)
And Then We Danced (2020)
Boy (2015)
Branco (2014)
Cigano (2015)
Estrada de Palha (2013)
A Fábrica de Nada (2018)
Gisaengchung (2020)
La Grande Bellezza (2015)
Grbavica (2020)
A Hidden Life (2020)
Hotel Império (2020)
The Lion King (2020)
Les Misérables (2020)
Ruggine (2013)
9 CinEuphoria
120 Battements par Minute (2018)
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2015)
Bué Sabi (2015)
A Ciambra (2018)
Coelho Mau (2018)
Con Quién Sueña Berta? (2015)
The Death and Life of John F. Donovan (2020)
Le Divan de Staline (2018)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2013)
If Beale Street Could Talk (2020)
Linhas de Wellington (2013)
Nightsatan and the Loops of Doom (2015)
O Segredo Segundo António Botto (2014)
Shame (2013)
O Silêncio Entre Duas Canções (2015)
Stoker (2014)
Terrain Vague (2018)
A Viagem (2013)
Vida Tramada (2015)
8 CinEuphoria
100 Metros (2018)
Colo (2018)
Diamantino (2020)
Os Gatos Não têm Vertigens (2015)
Gli Equilibristi (2014)
Gravity (2014)
Her (2015)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2014)
Lo Imposible (2014)
José (2020)
Land of My Dreams (2013)
Limbo (2018)
Midsommar (2020)
O Nylon da Minha Aldeia (2014)
Ponto Morto (2015)
Porto (2018)
Remissão Completa (2015)
Romanzo di una Strage (2014)
Os Sonâmbulos (2015)
Tous les Rêves du Monde (2018)
Os Últimos Dias (2013)
7 CinEuphoria
Ad Astra (2020)
Los Amigos Raros (2015)
Aqui Jaz a Minha Casa (2013)
Até Amanhã, Camaradas (2014)
Bílis Negra (2015)
Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi (2014)
La Cage Dorée (2014)
Dallas Buyers Club (2015)
Dédalo (2015)
Destroyer (2020)
Detachment (2013)
Enemy (2015)
Fátima (2018)
A Floresta das Almas Perdidas (2018)
Get Out (2018)
O Inferno (2013)
Já Passou (2018)
Joaquim (2018)
Marighella (2020)
Marriage Story (2020)
Nada Fazi (2013)
Operação Outono (2013)
Pela Boca Morre o Peixe (2015)
Polisse (2013)
Rabbit Hole (2014)
Snow White and the Huntsman (2013)
Tudo o que Imagino (2018)
Your Lost Memories (2015)
6 CinEuphoria
Alien: Covenant (2018)
Amour (2013)
As You Are (2018)
Boy Erased (2020)
Cavalo Dinheiro (2015)
The Dark Knight Rises (2013)
El Bar (2018)
Getúlio (2015)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2015)
Häuschen - A Herança (2020)
Hounds of Love (2018)
Insensibles (2014)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2014)
Mary Queen of Scots (2020)
A Morte é o Único Perdão (2015)
Noiva Precisa-se (2013)
O Reino (2013)
Silence (2018)
O Vazio Entre Nós (2015)
Via Castellana Bandiera (2015)
Viva la Libertà (2015)
5 CinEuphoria
Adaptacja (2018)
Anna Karenina (2013)
Behind the Candelabra (2014)
Boyhood (2015)
A Bruxa de Arroios (2013)
De Rouille et d'Os (2013)
Django Unchained (2014)
Downton Abbey (2020)
Dumbo (2020)
Excision (2013)
Fado (2018)
Flores (2018)
Golpe de Sol (2020)
Les Grandes Ondes (à l'Ouest) (2015)
Green Book (2020)
Herculano (2015)
Hugo (2013)
L'Inconnu du Lac (2014)
Lady Macbeth (2018)
Laurence Anyways (2013)
Lincoln (2014)
Maleficent (2015)
Les Misérables (2014)
Mommy (2015)
La Mort de Louis XIV (2018)
Only Solomon Lee (2014)
Le Plombier (2018)
Portrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu (2020)
Post-Mortem (2018)
Rökkur (2018)
O Sol Nasce Sempre do Mesmo Lado (2014)
Terraferma (2013)
To the Wonder (2014)
Trilho (2014)
Uroki Garmonii (2014)
A Vida Invisível (2015)
4 CinEuphoria
30 Minutos con Laura (2018)
A.C.A.B.: All Cops are Bastards (2014)
Alogicamente (2014)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (2013)
Beauty and the Beast (2018)
Bee Together (2020)
Blade Runner 2049 (2018)
The Boy and the Moon (2014)
Busanhaeng (2018)
Cadoul de Craciun (2020)
Caníbal (2015)
A Ceia (2014)
O Cheiro das Velas (2014)
Chuva é Cantoria na Aldeia dos Mortos (2020)
Como la Espuma (2018)
Como los Terremotos (2018)
El Despertar de Jaume (2014)
Downunder (2018)
E Agora? Lembra-me (2014)
Eva (2020)
The Eyes of My Mother (2018)
Fist of Jesus (2014)
Fontelonga (2014)
Frankie (2020)
Fugiu. Deitou-se. Caí. (2018)
Fury (2015)
Gone Girl (2015)
O Grande Circo Místico (2020)
Heatstroke (2020)
Hei-de Morrer Onde Nasci (2018)
Ida (2015)
Interstellar (2015)
Jagten (2014)
Linda, Uma História Horrível (2015)
Lo que Arde (2020)
Moonrise Kingdom (2013)
El Niño que Quería Volar (2020)
The Normal Heart (2015)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2014)
Pára-me de Repente o Pensamento (2015)
Philomena (2015)
Poesia de Segunda Categoria (2014)
Por Siempre Jamón (2015)
Prometheus (2013)
The Promise (2018)
Que Dios nos Perdone (2018)
Rei Inútil (2014)
A Sombra Interior (2020)
Sputnik (2020)
Supine (2020)
Tarrafal: Dez Pancadas no Carril (2018)
A Terceira Metade (2018)
Tom à la Ferme (2015)
Tristeza e Alegria na Vida das Girafas (2020)
Última Chamada (2018)
Um Punk Chamado Ribas (2020)
Uma Rosa no Deserto (2014)
Videoclub (2014)
La Voce (2018)
3 CinEuphoria
#GOG 79 (2014)
3x3D (2015)
9 Meter (2015)
Além de Ti (2013)
Anjo (Negro) (2015)
António Um Dois Três (2018)
Ashmina (2020)
O Assalto (2015)
Bairro (2014)
Beach Rats (2018)
Bicho (2015)
The Boxtrolls (2015)
Cativeiro (2015)
Centro Histórico (2015)
O Cônsul de Bordéus (2013)
Cristales (2015)
A Dama do Estácio (2014)
De Helaasheid der Dingen (2014)
De Repente la Noche (2020)
Demência (2015)
Deus Dará (2014)
Deux Jours, Une Nuit (2015)
O Dia em que Explodiu Mabata Bata (2018)
Dumplin' (2020)
Dunkirk (2018)
E Amanhã (2013)
Ent(r)e (2014)
Equinox (2020)
Estamos Todos Aqui (2020)
Fogo & Prata (2014)
Gambozinos (2014)
Gionatan con la G (2018)
A Herdade dos Defuntos (2014)
O Homem Eterno (2018)
Hotel Mumbai (2020)
A Ilha dos Cães (2018)
It (2018)
King Kong (2015)
Lado Nenhum (2015)
Lápis Azul (2014)
Libélulas (2020)
Lituania (2018)
M (2014)
Mano a Mano (2015)
La Mano de Nefertiti (2014)
Manuscrit Trouvé dans l'Oubli (2018)
Missing Link (2020)
Morales (2015)
Mouse-X (2015)
Murder on the Orient Express (2018)
Nightcrawler (2015)
No Place Like Home (2018)
Non Toccate Questa Casa (2018)
Nortik (2018)
The Only Man (2015)
O Pacote (2015)
O Pacto (2013)
Paperman (2014)
Perfetti Sconosciuti (2018)
Postales (2018)
Potasio (2014)
Présumé Coupable (2013)
Pride (l.m.) (2015)
Pride (c.m.) (2015)
Quarta Divisão (2014)
Ray (2018)
Rosa Tingindo (2014)
As Rosas Brancas (2015)
Saving Mr. Banks (2015)
Las Séxicas (2014)
Sheila (2020)
Short Term 12 (2014)
Sleepwalk (2020)
Sócrates (2020)
Soshite Chichi ni Naru (2014)
There's Too Many of These Crows (2018)
Thérèse Desqueyroux (2014)
Us (2020)
As Vacas de Wisconsin (2018)
La Vie d'Adèle: Chapitres 1 et 2 (2014)
A Vingança de Uma Mulher (2013)
Os Vivos Também Choram (2013)
Voice Over (2014)
La Voix du Père (Rock'N Roll Will Never Die) (2018)
Volki i Ovtsy. Beeezumnoe Prevrashchenie (2018)
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2013)
Wights in Paradise (2018)
Wonder Woman (2018)
Zar (2015)
2 CinEuphoria
4 M (2014)
5 Horas, 39 Minutos, 25 Segundos (2020)
7 Camas (2018)
33 Giri (2013)
37º4 S (2015)
300: Rise of an Empire (2015)
Abominable (2020)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2013)
Albert Nobbs (2013)
Alive (2015)
American Mary (2013)
Apollonide: Souvenirs de Maison Close (2013)
Aptitudes (2015)
Aquarius (2018)
Aquel No Era Yo (2014)
Argo (2013)
Arpeggio (2014)
August: Osage County (2015)
A Besta (2020)
The Birth of a Nation (2018)
Blue Jasmine (2014)
The Body (2014)
Campeón (2018)
Canção de Embalar (2020)
Il Capitale Umano (2015)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2015)
Captain Phillips (2014)
Carga (2018)
A Casa (2018)
Cerdita (2020)
Cheap Thrills (2014)
A Cidade e o Sol (2014)
O Comboio de Sal e Açúcar (2018)
Le Confessioni (2018)
Cool (2013)
Le Cri du Homard (2014)
The Croods (2014)
A Dança de Sísifo (2013)
Danke (2018)
Danse Macabre (2013)
Dave Made a Maze (2018)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2015)
De Mim... (2014)
De Noche y de Pronto (2015)
Despicable Me 2 (2014)
Después de Lucía (2013)
Edge of Tomorrow (2015)
En la Boca (2018)
The Fall (2014)
Fences (2018)
Ferdinand (2018)
First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers (2018)
Frank (2015)
Fuera de Servicio (2018)
La Fugue (2015)
Giants Being Lonely (2020)
Grupo 7 (2013)
Història de la Meva Mort (2015)
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2015)
Hogar Dulce Hogar (2018)
Hostal Orión (2020)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2015)
Humilhados e Ofendidos (2013)
Imagens Proibidas (2020)
The Immigrant (2015)
In a Heartbeat (2018)
La Inútil (2020)
It Comes at Night (2018)
Jacinta (2018)
Jongens (2015)
Jeunesse (2018)
Kong: Skull Island (2018)
Life of Pi (2013)
A Língua (2018)
O Lobo Atrás da Porta (2015)
Logan (2018)
Longe do Éden (2014)
I Love Hooligans (2015)
Lovelace (2015)
Lucky (2018)
Mãe Querida (2018)
Le Maillot de Bain (2014)
Man of Steel (2014)
Manchester by the Sea (2018)
La Mano Invisible (2018)
Marvin's Island (2018)
Meat Wagon (2020)
La Mia Classe (2015)
Michael Kohlhaas (2015)
El Mimo y la Mariposa Negra (2014)
Na Escama do Dragão (2014)
Noah (2015)
North Atlantic (2013)
Nuestro Proprio Cielo (2013)
Nymphomaniac - Volume 1 (2015)
Outside the Oranges are Blooming (2020)
Oz the Great and Powerful (2014)
Ozzy (2018)
Le Passé (2014)
The Path (2013)
Pecado Fatal (2015)
Perdidos (2018)
Perto (2015)
Praia do Futuro (2015)
Primária (2014)
O Princípio do Fim (2014)
Purgatório (2013)
Quand on as 17 Ans (2018)
O Que Eu Entendo por Amor (2015)
Rafa (2013)
Rio Entre as Montanhas (2020)
Semente Exterminadora (2018)
Senza Ritorno (2014)
Sequence (2015)
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon (2020)
Skin (2020)
The Square (2018)
Steadfast Stanley (2015)
Solitária (2014)
Som do Silêncio (2014)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2018)
Surpresa (2018)
Survivalismo (2013)
Te Busco en Todos (2020)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2020)
Testrol és Lélékrol (2018)
Timothy (2015)
To Agori Troei to Fagito tou Pouliou (2014)
Toe (2020)
Tom of Finland (2018)
True Colors (2018)
O Turno da Noite (2018)
O Último Dia Depois de Zanzibar (2018)
Unspoken Understanding (2014)
Vaca (2020)
El Vendedor de Humo (2014)
Viagens (2014)
Victoria & Abdul (2018)
Violence (2020)
Wakolda (2014)
Woensdagen (2014)
World War Z (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2015)
1 CinEuphoria
2nd Class (2020)
27 Minutos (2020)
Abaddon (2020)
The Act of Killing (2015)
Água para Tabatô (2015)
Ainda Sangro por Dentro (2018)
Ajuda-me (2013)
Alda (2015)
Almas Censuradas (2015)
El Alpinista (2015)
L'Amore Incompreso (2014)
Aningaaq (2015)
Anquanto la Lhéngua fur Cantada (2013)
A Armada - Bastidores da Verdade (2013)
Artur (2013)
Assassin's Creed (2018)
Assim Assim (2013)
Astray (2020)
Atomic Blonde (2018)
Avengers: Endgame (2020)
Auschwitz - La Fábrica de Muerte (2018)
El Aviador y el Mariñero (2015)
Background (2020)
The Bad Batch (2018)
Badpakje 46 (2014)
Baghdad Messi (2015)
Bailaora (2020)
Balas e Bolinhos - O Último Capítulo (2013)
Banana Motherfucker (2013)
Banda Desenhada (2014)
Bani (2020)
Barba Rija (2015)
Bendito Machine V - Pull the Trigger (2015)
Bethlehem (2015)
Blessy (2020)
Blue Ruin (2015)
Bons Meninos (2014)
The Book Thief (2015)
O Braço de André (2020)
Bróder (2014)
Bruno (2018)
Buñuel en el Laberinto de las Tortugas (2020)
But You are a Dog (2015)
Cadences Obstinées (2015)
La Cage Dorée (2014)
Campo (2020)
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2020)
O Candeeiro - Um Filme à Luz de Lisboa (2018)
Carlito se va para Siempre (2020)
La Cáscara (2020)
Coco (2018)
Cólera (2015)
Confituur (2014)
The Congress (2015)
The Conjuring (2014)
Calou-se. Saiu. Saltei. (2015)
Carrotrope (2014)
César Casanova (2015)
Contactos 2.0 (2015)
Coração Negro (2018)
A Corda (2014)
La Cour de Babel (2015)
Cuando Todo Pase (2015)
Curiositas (2014)
Daddies (2015)
The Dead Don't Die (2020)
Dead Hearts (2015)
Debaixo do Céu (2020)
Delírio em Las Vedras (2018)
Democracia (2015)
Los Demonios (2014)
Depois de Abril (2014)
Des Hommes (2020)
Desespero (2014)
El Despertar de Jaume (2014)
Diego (2015)
Els Dies que Vindran (2020)
Diez y Nueve. Autoretrato con Herida (2020)
Diversion (2020)
Donos de Portugal (2013)
Dos Veintitrés (2020)
E Agora? Lembra-me (2014)
É na Terra Não é na Lua (2013)
É o Amor (2014)
Eightday (2020)
Ella (2020)
En Carne Viva (2015)
Encontro com o Criador (2014)
Eran Otros Tiempos (2020)
Escape from ISIS (2018)
Espelho Meu (2020)
Estórias (2014)
O Estrondo (2013)
Excuse (2018)
L'Exercice de l'État (2013)
Fado do Homem Crescido (2013)
Faz-me Companhia (2020)
Ferine (2020)
Ferro Sangue (2018)
Ferry (2020)
Flumen (2020)
La Folle Histoire de Max & Léon (2018)
The Fourth Kingdom (2018)
Freier Fall (2015)
Fúria (2014)
Los Galgos (2020)
Les Garçons et Guillaume, à Table! (2015)
Gata Má (2015)
Girlfriend in a Coma (2014)
Godka Cirka (2015)
Godzilla (2015)
La Guarida (2020)
Guerra ou Paz (2015)
The Guest (2015)
Gümüs (2020)
Gusanos de Seda (2020)
The Headless Nun (2013)
Headspace (2018)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2018)
Help Me (2013)
Hemingway & Gellhorn (2014)
Heshtje (2014)
Les Hirondelles de Kaboul (2020)
Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sózinho (2015)
How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2018)
The Hunger Games (2013)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2014)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part (2015)
Hybrid (2013)
I Am Alive Thanks to Aristides de Sousa Mendes (2015)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2013)
L'Image Manquante (2015)
India(n) (2015)
Indivisibili (2018)
Infância, Adolescência, Juventude (2020)
Los Inocentes (2020)
(In)sanidade (2014)
Insensibles (2014)
La Invitación (2018)
The Irishman (2020)
The Iron Lady (2013)
Jackie (2018)
Je Me Suis Fait Tout Petit (2013)
Jeune & Jolie (2014)
The Jigsaw (2015)
Joe (2015)
Judy (2020)
Kafenio Kastello (2020)
Kaleidoscope (2018)
Kali, O Pequeno Vampiro (2013)
Kaze Tachinu (2015)
Kids Sapiens Sapiens (2020)
The Kindergarten Teacher (2020)
L (2014)
Labor Day (2015)
Lágrimas de Um Palhaço (2014)
Land of My Dreams (2013)
Laranja Amarelo (2018)
La Leggenda di Kaspar Hauser (2014)
The Lego Movie (2015)
Locke (2015)
Lone Survivor (2015)
The Loop (2020)
Loving (2018)
Luminita (2014)
M (2014)
Ma Vie de Courgette (2018)
Madres de Luna (2020)
A Mãe e o Mar (2015)
Magic Mike (2013)
Making Montgomery Clift (2020)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2020)
Mar (2020)
Maria (2015)
Matadero (2020)
Matterhorn (2015)
Mientras Duermes (2013)
La Migliore Offerta (2014)
A Minha Idade (2015)
Miss Sloane (2018)
Monster Zombie Claymation (2015)
Muchos Hijos, Un Mono y Un Castillo (2020)
The Naked Leading the Blind (2014)
Nasci com a Trovoada: Autobiografia Póstuma de um Cineasta (2018)
Nebraska (2015)
Neruda (2018)
Never Forget to Lie (2014)
Noite (2013)
Noiva Precisa-se (2013)
La Noria (2020)
North Atlantic (2013)
O Novo Testamento de Jesus Cristo Segundo João (2015)
Nuestra Calle (2020)
Nymphomaniac - Volume 2 (2015)
Offline (2015)
Oh Johny (2014)
Ojos Claros (2018)
One Minute Show Time (2020)
Only God Forgives (2014)
O Ontem que a Dor Deixou (2014)
Où en Êtes-Vous, João Pedro Rodrigues? (2018)
Pacific Rim (2014)
Papel Amachucado (2013)
Palabras de Caramelo (2018)
ParaNorman (2013)
Parivara (2018)
PDL - LIS (Ponta Delgada - Lisboa) (2015)
Pelo Malo (2014)
Perdoa-me (2013)
Permiso de Ausencia (2015)
Pestilência (2015)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2018)
The Place Beyond the Pines (2014)
A Portuguesa (2020)
Portugueses do Soho: Uma História que Mudou a sua Geografia (2018)
Pots, Pans and Other Solutions (2014)
O Presidente Veste Nada (2020)
La Prima Neve (2015)
O Primeiro Verão (2015)
Princesa (2013)
Prisoners (2014)
pt. es (2013)
Ptolmus (2015)
Purgatório (2013)
Queen and Country (2015)
Quero-te Tanto! (2020)
Quieres que Hoy te Bese? (2020)
Rafa (2013)
Raízes (2015)
O Rapaz que Ouvia Pássaros (2014)
Recently in the Woods (2015)
The Ressurection Club (2018)
Retrovisor (2014)
R'ha (2014)
Rise of the Guardians (2013)
Rosas de Ermera (2018)
A Roza (2015)
Las Rubias (2018)
The Rugby Player (2015)
Rundskop (2013)
S9 David Grachat (2013)
Saint Laurent (2015)
Sea Sorrow (2018)
Sem Querer (2013)
Serra Pelada (2015)
Sessiz - Be Deng (2014)
Seventy (2020)
Silver Linings Playbook (2014)
The Smell of Petrol (2020)
Só (2015)
Solo de Trompeta (2020)
Solum (2020)
Somos Amigos (2015)
A Sonolenta (2018)
Soy una Tumba (2020)
Split (2018)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2014)
Stardust (2014)
Stories We Tell (2014)
Stuka (2020)
El Sueño Europeo: Serbia (2020)
Sueño y Silencio (2013)
Supercut (2018)
Talvez (2015)
Technoboss (2020)
Ted (2013)
A Teia de Gelo (2013)
Terra Ardida (2020)
Terra de Ninguém (2014)
Terras do Demo (2015)
This Must Be the Place (2013)
Tio Carlos 1942-1969, Um Inquérito Docudramático (2015)
Tito (2020)
Toda a Bruxa tem a Sua Serra (2015)
Todos Mis Padres (2020)
Tsar Bomba (2020)
Tsintty (2014)
A Última Vez que Vi Macau (2014)
Una Mujer Fantástica (2018)
Vallanzasca, Gli Angeli del Male (2013)
Valley of Love (2018)
Veloce come il Vento (2018)
Velvet Road (2015)
La Vénus à la Fourrure (2014)
Verona (2015)
Via Cruxis (2020)
A Viagem (2013)
Virados do Avesso (2015)
War Horse (2013)
The War of the Worlds (2020)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2015)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2020)
xXx (2014)
Yama No Anata - Para Além das Montanhas (2015)
Young Adult (2013)
Zeichnen Gegen das Vergessen (2018)
Zero Dark Thirty (2014)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2020)
Zombies4Kids (2015)
Zombies: A Living History (2013)
The Zookeeper's Wife (2018)
To Agori Troei to Fagito tou Pouliou (2014)
Toe (2020)
Tom of Finland (2018)
True Colors (2018)
O Turno da Noite (2018)
O Último Dia Depois de Zanzibar (2018)
Unspoken Understanding (2014)
Vaca (2020)
El Vendedor de Humo (2014)
Viagens (2014)
Victoria & Abdul (2018)
Violence (2020)
Wakolda (2014)
Woensdagen (2014)
World War Z (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2015)
1 CinEuphoria
2nd Class (2020)
27 Minutos (2020)
Abaddon (2020)
The Act of Killing (2015)
Água para Tabatô (2015)
Ainda Sangro por Dentro (2018)
Ajuda-me (2013)
Alda (2015)
Almas Censuradas (2015)
El Alpinista (2015)
L'Amore Incompreso (2014)
Aningaaq (2015)
Anquanto la Lhéngua fur Cantada (2013)
A Armada - Bastidores da Verdade (2013)
Artur (2013)
Assassin's Creed (2018)
Assim Assim (2013)
Astray (2020)
Atomic Blonde (2018)
Avengers: Endgame (2020)
Auschwitz - La Fábrica de Muerte (2018)
El Aviador y el Mariñero (2015)
Background (2020)
The Bad Batch (2018)
Badpakje 46 (2014)
Baghdad Messi (2015)
Bailaora (2020)
Balas e Bolinhos - O Último Capítulo (2013)
Banana Motherfucker (2013)
Banda Desenhada (2014)
Bani (2020)
Barba Rija (2015)
Bendito Machine V - Pull the Trigger (2015)
Bethlehem (2015)
Blessy (2020)
Blue Ruin (2015)
Bons Meninos (2014)
The Book Thief (2015)
O Braço de André (2020)
Bróder (2014)
Bruno (2018)
Buñuel en el Laberinto de las Tortugas (2020)
But You are a Dog (2015)
Cadences Obstinées (2015)
La Cage Dorée (2014)
Campo (2020)
Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2020)
O Candeeiro - Um Filme à Luz de Lisboa (2018)
Carlito se va para Siempre (2020)
La Cáscara (2020)
Coco (2018)
Cólera (2015)
Confituur (2014)
The Congress (2015)
The Conjuring (2014)
Calou-se. Saiu. Saltei. (2015)
Carrotrope (2014)
César Casanova (2015)
Contactos 2.0 (2015)
Coração Negro (2018)
A Corda (2014)
La Cour de Babel (2015)
Cuando Todo Pase (2015)
Curiositas (2014)
Daddies (2015)
The Dead Don't Die (2020)
Dead Hearts (2015)
Debaixo do Céu (2020)
Delírio em Las Vedras (2018)
Democracia (2015)
Los Demonios (2014)
Depois de Abril (2014)
Des Hommes (2020)
Desespero (2014)
El Despertar de Jaume (2014)
Diego (2015)
Els Dies que Vindran (2020)
Diez y Nueve. Autoretrato con Herida (2020)
Diversion (2020)
Donos de Portugal (2013)
Dos Veintitrés (2020)
E Agora? Lembra-me (2014)
É na Terra Não é na Lua (2013)
É o Amor (2014)
Eightday (2020)
Ella (2020)
En Carne Viva (2015)
Encontro com o Criador (2014)
Eran Otros Tiempos (2020)
Escape from ISIS (2018)
Espelho Meu (2020)
Estórias (2014)
O Estrondo (2013)
Excuse (2018)
L'Exercice de l'État (2013)
Fado do Homem Crescido (2013)
Faz-me Companhia (2020)
Ferine (2020)
Ferro Sangue (2018)
Ferry (2020)
Flumen (2020)
La Folle Histoire de Max & Léon (2018)
The Fourth Kingdom (2018)
Freier Fall (2015)
Fúria (2014)
Los Galgos (2020)
Les Garçons et Guillaume, à Table! (2015)
Gata Má (2015)
Girlfriend in a Coma (2014)
Godka Cirka (2015)
Godzilla (2015)
La Guarida (2020)
Guerra ou Paz (2015)
The Guest (2015)
Gümüs (2020)
Gusanos de Seda (2020)
The Headless Nun (2013)
Headspace (2018)
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2018)
Help Me (2013)
Hemingway & Gellhorn (2014)
Heshtje (2014)
Les Hirondelles de Kaboul (2020)
Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sózinho (2015)
How to Talk to Girls at Parties (2018)
The Hunger Games (2013)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2014)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part (2015)
Hybrid (2013)
I Am Alive Thanks to Aristides de Sousa Mendes (2015)
Ice Age: Continental Drift (2013)
L'Image Manquante (2015)
India(n) (2015)
Indivisibili (2018)
Infância, Adolescência, Juventude (2020)
Los Inocentes (2020)
(In)sanidade (2014)
Insensibles (2014)
La Invitación (2018)
The Irishman (2020)
The Iron Lady (2013)
Jackie (2018)
Je Me Suis Fait Tout Petit (2013)
Jeune & Jolie (2014)
The Jigsaw (2015)
Joe (2015)
Judy (2020)
Kafenio Kastello (2020)
Kaleidoscope (2018)
Kali, O Pequeno Vampiro (2013)
Kaze Tachinu (2015)
Kids Sapiens Sapiens (2020)
The Kindergarten Teacher (2020)
L (2014)
Labor Day (2015)
Lágrimas de Um Palhaço (2014)
Land of My Dreams (2013)
Laranja Amarelo (2018)
La Leggenda di Kaspar Hauser (2014)
The Lego Movie (2015)
Locke (2015)
Lone Survivor (2015)
The Loop (2020)
Loving (2018)
Luminita (2014)
M (2014)
Ma Vie de Courgette (2018)
Madres de Luna (2020)
A Mãe e o Mar (2015)
Magic Mike (2013)
Making Montgomery Clift (2020)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2020)
Mar (2020)
Maria (2015)
Matadero (2020)
Matterhorn (2015)
Mientras Duermes (2013)
La Migliore Offerta (2014)
A Minha Idade (2015)
Miss Sloane (2018)
Monster Zombie Claymation (2015)
Muchos Hijos, Un Mono y Un Castillo (2020)
The Naked Leading the Blind (2014)
Nasci com a Trovoada: Autobiografia Póstuma de um Cineasta (2018)
Nebraska (2015)
Neruda (2018)
Never Forget to Lie (2014)
Noite (2013)
Noiva Precisa-se (2013)
La Noria (2020)
North Atlantic (2013)
O Novo Testamento de Jesus Cristo Segundo João (2015)
Nuestra Calle (2020)
Nymphomaniac - Volume 2 (2015)
Offline (2015)
Oh Johny (2014)
Ojos Claros (2018)
One Minute Show Time (2020)
Only God Forgives (2014)
O Ontem que a Dor Deixou (2014)
Où en Êtes-Vous, João Pedro Rodrigues? (2018)
Pacific Rim (2014)
Papel Amachucado (2013)
Palabras de Caramelo (2018)
ParaNorman (2013)
Parivara (2018)
PDL - LIS (Ponta Delgada - Lisboa) (2015)
Pelo Malo (2014)
Perdoa-me (2013)
Permiso de Ausencia (2015)
Pestilência (2015)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2018)
The Place Beyond the Pines (2014)
A Portuguesa (2020)
Portugueses do Soho: Uma História que Mudou a sua Geografia (2018)
Pots, Pans and Other Solutions (2014)
O Presidente Veste Nada (2020)
La Prima Neve (2015)
O Primeiro Verão (2015)
Princesa (2013)
Prisoners (2014)
pt. es (2013)
Ptolmus (2015)
Purgatório (2013)
Queen and Country (2015)
Quero-te Tanto! (2020)
Quieres que Hoy te Bese? (2020)
Rafa (2013)
Raízes (2015)
O Rapaz que Ouvia Pássaros (2014)
Recently in the Woods (2015)
The Ressurection Club (2018)
Retrovisor (2014)
R'ha (2014)
Rise of the Guardians (2013)
Rosas de Ermera (2018)
A Roza (2015)
Las Rubias (2018)
The Rugby Player (2015)
Rundskop (2013)
S9 David Grachat (2013)
Saint Laurent (2015)
Sea Sorrow (2018)
Sem Querer (2013)
Serra Pelada (2015)
Sessiz - Be Deng (2014)
Seventy (2020)
Silver Linings Playbook (2014)
The Smell of Petrol (2020)
Só (2015)
Solo de Trompeta (2020)
Solum (2020)
Somos Amigos (2015)
A Sonolenta (2018)
Soy una Tumba (2020)
Split (2018)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2014)
Stardust (2014)
Stories We Tell (2014)
Stuka (2020)
El Sueño Europeo: Serbia (2020)
Sueño y Silencio (2013)
Supercut (2018)
Talvez (2015)
Technoboss (2020)
Ted (2013)
A Teia de Gelo (2013)
Terra Ardida (2020)
Terra de Ninguém (2014)
Terras do Demo (2015)
This Must Be the Place (2013)
Tio Carlos 1942-1969, Um Inquérito Docudramático (2015)
Tito (2020)
Toda a Bruxa tem a Sua Serra (2015)
Todos Mis Padres (2020)
Tsar Bomba (2020)
Tsintty (2014)
A Última Vez que Vi Macau (2014)
Una Mujer Fantástica (2018)
Vallanzasca, Gli Angeli del Male (2013)
Valley of Love (2018)
Veloce come il Vento (2018)
Velvet Road (2015)
La Vénus à la Fourrure (2014)
Verona (2015)
Via Cruxis (2020)
A Viagem (2013)
Virados do Avesso (2015)
War Horse (2013)
The War of the Worlds (2020)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2015)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2020)
xXx (2014)
Yama No Anata - Para Além das Montanhas (2015)
Young Adult (2013)
Zeichnen Gegen das Vergessen (2018)
Zero Dark Thirty (2014)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2020)
Zombies4Kids (2015)
Zombies: A Living History (2013)
The Zookeeper's Wife (2018)